Beer Brewing Tips

Beer Recipe Design: 7 Important Tips to Help You Create Your Best Beer

Like most homebrewers, I made my jump into the hobby with a typical extract kit – an Irish Red Ale that came with a starter kit from Northern Brewer. In fact, I received that kit from a generous Reddit user when I participated in the Reddit Secret Santa Gift Exchange back in 2015. I’m forever grateful for that gift, as it spurred my love for homebrewing and led me to where I’m at today! Note: I…

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Beer Brewing Tips

8 Winter Beer Styles You Should Start Brewing Today

Living in the Midwest, I have to admit that fall is my favorite time of year! Football is everywhere, leaves are changing, and temperatures drop to the point where it’s cool enough for a hoodie, yet still warm enough for shorts (some days, anyway). Oh, and I can’t forget the various great fall beers that start to creep their way into brewing cycle. And yet, here we are, already thinking about winter beer styles. Better…

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Beer Brewing Tips Homebrew Competiton

10 Useful Homebrew Competition Tips to Help You Bring Home a Medal

For homebrewers looking to kick their brewing skills up a notch, entering a homebrew competition is the way to go. Truth be told, as a competitive person who loves to brew, I find homebrew competitions to be exciting and incredibly useful in growing my skills. It’s like an athlete prepping for a big game. They practice for hours on end, polishing their skills and improving their performance. Then, they compete against others who are doing…

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