Homebrew Reviews

10 of the Best Homebrewing Books You MUST HAVE at Home

Whether you’re looking to brew your first batch of beer or you’re an advanced brewer looking to increase your skill set, there are several homebrewing books that can help you achieve your goals. One quick glance in any book marketplace, however, will leave you feeling like a deer gazing in headlights. With so many homebrewing books to choose from, how do you know which one is right for you? Those new to brewing might feel…

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Homebrew Reviews

Propper Starter Review: Make Yeast Starters in 3 Minutes

Whether you’re brewing a high-gravity beer, whipping up a large batch, or want to ensure your yeast count is nice and healthy, you’re probably familiar with yeast starters. Making a yeast starter isn’t difficult. In fact, it’s actually quite simple. A little water, and some dry malt extract, boil, cool, then pitch your yeast and you’re on your way. As I said, the process itself isn’t tough. It does, however, take time. For me, that…

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Beer Brewing Tips

Beer Recipe Design: 7 Important Tips to Help You Create Your Best Beer

Like most homebrewers, I made my jump into the hobby with a typical extract kit – an Irish Red Ale that came with a starter kit from Northern Brewer. In fact, I received that kit from a generous Reddit user when I participated in the Reddit Secret Santa Gift Exchange back in 2015. I’m forever grateful for that gift, as it spurred my love for homebrewing and led me to where I’m at today! Note: I…

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