Beer Brewing Equipment

The 5 Best Brew Kettles Available (and What We Like the Most)

Let’s state the obvious right out of the gate: if you’re brewing beer, you’re going to need a brew kettle. However, the type of kettle you end up choosing is going to depend on a few things: Your budget Your preferred batch size Your demand for quality and durability Depending on where you fall, this can make the decision on what to buy a little tricky. The best brew kettles out there are, in my…

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Beer Brewing Tips

5 of the Best (and Most Popular) Fall Beer Styles You Can Brew Today

Right around late July/early August, I get a little antsy knowing the release of my favorite fall beer styles is on the horizon. Living in the Midwest, the summers are usually VERY hot and humid. And while I like drinking and brewing lighter, more refreshing beers made for the summer, it’s really the fall styles I’ve grown to love. Could it have something to do with the fact that fall is my favorite season? I…

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Beer Kit Reviews

Mr. Beer Review: The Gateway to Homebrewing Addiction? (Truth Inside)

For many homebrewers, Mr. Beer was their introduction into the world of brewing. It’s also one of the most gifted kits around, but it bears one question that has been swimming in my mind for awhile now: Can one of these kits actually make decent beer? Looking for an answer, I went on a furious online search to look for as many Mr. Beer reviews as I could find. But there was one problem –…

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